Private Marine Life Spotting - Dolphin watching EcoMarine Malta

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based on 9 reviews
  • Duration:6 hours to 8 hours (approx.)
  • Location: Malta,
From $
Book in 2 easy steps:

1. Select A Date

2. Enter Total No Of Travellers

CHILD (Age : 5 to 11)
ADULT (Age : 12 to 99)

Free Cancellation

Upto 24 hours in Advance.
Mobile or paper ticket accepted

During this boat trip, clients get involved in marine wildlife sighting and research while enjoying an entire day sailing off the beautiful Maltese islands. Participants may have the opportunity to help the marine biologist in spotting dolphins, sea turtles and sea birds, and will learn the importance of respect and safeguard of nature through environmental education. An insight of the ecology of the species that are present in the Maltese waters is given at the beginning of the tour in order to better understand behaviour and characteristics of the animals when enjoying the time with them. This boat trip has the aim to let people enjoy the beauty of nature and relax in the most beautiful spots around the Maltese archipelago. At lunch time, the boat will head to a bay for a stop in which clients can swim and have a light lunch with local food and drink. The tour (time and routes) will be tailored on the need of the clients always respecting marine life and marine ecosystem.





Posted By : nicolestephanieg2021
I very much enjoyed the dolphin spotting tour. As a marine biologist I really enjoyed the scientific level Patrizia, the marine biologist on board carried out the observation survey. First, she gave a very good introduction to marine cetaceans of Malta, followed by information regarding dolphin identification and vocalisation.
Then she demonstrated how to ideally spot dolphins, by scanning the horizon with a binoculars and looking out for blows and surface displays.
When we encountered the dolphin pod, she always pointed out the blows, pec slaps and leaps. An average of 5 individuals mingled around the fish farms, in which the dolphins displayed their outstanding hunting skills to us.
After observing the dolphins we also had the opportunity to listen in on the acoustic recordings taken with the hydrophone, and were able to take a look at the spectrogram, to get an idea about what 'clicks' and 'signature whistles' really look like. On top she also let us have a look at the dorsal fin images (dolphin fingerprint) she had taken throughout the tour, in which we could also try and match up these with the already existing DF catalog.
This trip also made it possible to get to know new and interesting people over a delicious brunch on deck.
Thanks Patrizia for your effort in making it possible for people to encounter marine wildlife and to be educated about marine cetaceans through such a mesmerising experience. All the best for you and Ecomarine Malta, and continue to embrace the science, so we can make this planet a better place!
Rating : full ratingsfull ratingsfull ratingsfull ratingsfull ratings
Posted On : 2022-11-09 15:09:08 full ratings

Posted By : MariaKPace
I took a marine life spotting tour with my 7-year-old daughter. The crew were super friendly and welcoming, and our sailing trip was amazing. We saw several dolphins, as well as different seabirds and some massive fried egg jellyfish. The best part is that the staff are focused on conservation - they're well-informed and incredibly respectful to marine life. I really admire their work and would love to see more of it locally.
Rating : full ratingsfull ratingsfull ratingsfull ratingsfull ratings
Posted On : 2022-09-22 04:56:18 full ratings

Posted By : T3564FBannettea
Lovely experience, and very knowledgeable staff! We had nice views of dolphins and various seabirds. A bit on the expensive side.
Rating : full ratingsfull ratingsfull ratingsfull ratingsfull ratings
Posted On : 2022-08-19 15:33:55 full ratings

Posted By : katya b
We went with my 6 year old daughter. It was a wonderful experience, my daughter was over the moon! We saw lots of dolphins who gave us a true show :) we saw them hunting, jumping and riding the waves. They stayed very close to the boat and we took lots of close up photos. We had the opportunity to swim in pristine waters and enjoyed some Maltese food platters. I highly recommend it its much more of an amazing and educational experience then watching dolphins perform unnatural idiotic behaviors in marine parks.
Rating : full ratingsfull ratingsfull ratingsfull ratingsfull ratings
Posted On : 2021-11-22 03:09:13 full ratings

Posted By : adierendonck
Had an amazing day tour dolphins spotting and to Filfla. . It was so well organised and educational with a fantastic lunch provided as well. Highly recommended
Rating : full ratingsfull ratingsfull ratingsfull ratingsfull ratings
Posted On : 2021-06-15 08:27:01 full ratings

Posted By : JoeCamilleri
It was very well conducted, and expertly executed. We enjoyed it very much. It was a tour that lasted most of the day. There is a lot of waiting around on the water, so if you are not that comfortable on water, you could be uncomfortable, but in a nice bright day, it is great
Rating : full ratingsfull ratingsfull ratingsfull ratings
Posted On : 2021-03-10 01:09:48 full ratings

Posted By : Renegade7985
They advertise an event and ask for 50% deposit that must be paid immediately. Then 3/4 days before the event they asked for the remaining 50% that I immediately paid. Less than 24 hours before the start of the same event they cancelled it! Reason: not enough persons booked or some cancelled at the last minute - which is a lie - as one has to pay the remaining 50% 4 DAYS BEFORE the event. Therefore their explanation did not hold water.
I did not complain only regarding the cancellation itself but on the TIMINGS, i.e. less than 24 hours to cancel a tour is UNACCEPTABLE. It does not give a customer any time to make other arrangements. My weekend was therefore ruined. I sent the deposit on 7th AUGUST 2020.i.e. THREE WEEKS before, with COVID situation in Malta, but COVID was with us since March 2020 so anyone who felt uncomfortable in attending would have NOT have been REASONABLE in cancelling hours before the start. They had plenty of time! In fact they would NOT have booked in the first place.
From my part, I had faith in Ecomarine that they would provide a safe trip. So I paid the deposit and paid the remaining balance when they asked for it 4 DAYS before the trip. So rather than punishing me, a faithful customer, they should have made it clear that deposits were not refundable after a certain date, example up to 4 days before the start. We are all adults and we can decide we are comfortable or not, especially because of COVID, but sorry, we cannot do this less than 24 HOURS BEFORE THE START. This is called egoism and gross unprofessionalism by Ecomarine.
With me,in their (arrogant) reply, they mentioned Terms and Conditions, but basically it meant that a customer is NEVER sure the event will take place, and I am not referring to bad weather but ONLY business interests. To ALWAYS give excellent customer service should be their aim all the time. Instead, what they do is take 50% deposits, and the balance 4 days before the event and at the last minute they decide whether it is economically feasible to hold the event or not. Meanwhile for the genuine customers, the weekend is ruined. They are NOT a research organisation at all. They are in it ONLY for the money.
It is simply not right.

Rating : full ratings
Posted On : 2021-03-03 04:19:04 full ratings

Posted By : nateleg
We went for the wildlife spotting tour and had our young family with us plus a few other locals and tourists but not a big group thankfully. We had a guide from a marine biologist and we managed to spot some wild dolphins whilst sailing arpund the island. It gives you such a buzz to see them wild. - How it should be! Lovely relaxing day that everyone enjoyed! Highly recommend.
Rating : full ratingsfull ratingsfull ratingsfull ratingsfull ratings
Posted On : 2021-03-03 03:16:18 full ratings

Posted By : rebdalm16
The trip was really great all the way, they really know how to navigate towards dolphins to make sure you wil get to see them. Although the sightings is not guaranteed they will do their best to follow through. They will also stop for a swim break when it is swim season which is very welcome in the summer heat.
Rating : full ratingsfull ratingsfull ratingsfull ratings
Posted On : 2021-03-03 03:14:58 full ratings